Working From Home in 2020
by Jazmin Palmer
COVID-19 (coronavirus) has changed the world as we know it. In a matter of weeks, companies across the world scrambled to put remote working tools in place for staff who need to work from home. With many left guessing how long this lockdown will be, workers and companies are looking at options for the short and long-term futures.
Where does this leave the teams working from home? In this time of uncertainty, we are unsure how long we are expected to work from home, but we all understand the importance of trying to remain as normal as possible to make sure that we are being at our most productive.
Working from home can be stressful, especially for parents who are used to working in their own space. Here are some of our top tips to maintain a routine during this period.
Still get dressed for success
Whilst we won’t be donning our regular power suits, it is still important to get up and get dressed in something comfortable and presentable. When we look our best, we perform at our best and having that structure remaining of getting up, showered and dressed will aid us in keeping us focused for the tasks ahead.
Gym at home
If you used to get up and go to your favourite gym before work, this can still be factored into your new work-from-home routine. Working from home your activity levels will of course be impacted, but there is no reason why this needs to come to a complete halt.
If you have the space at home, create a small area to dedicate to your morning workout or get out in the garden and get the kids involved.
Of course, if you don’t have any outdoor space, you can simply push your coffee table out of the way, put an online video on the TV and get your sweat on that way. Get your happy endorphins going.
“Working from home can be challenging, but if you manage to make everything else around you normal, then it too can be.”
Keep a routine
Stick to a structured working day plan, choose when you will take breaks and stick to them. Get up and walk to the kitchen for water, it is very important to stay hydrated when working with screens all day, and if you can, try to get out for a small solitary walk at lunchtime.
Keep in touch with others
When self-isolating or working from home, we can feel like we are losing touch with our peers. It is very important to keep in touch with what our colleagues are experiencing and offering any advice or assistance, as you would do in a normal day. Of-course the challenges might be slightly different, but we should all remember that we are all in this together.
Overline are well placed to keep you in touch with your colleagues and have a few methods in which we can assist you, whether that is taking your regular office calls through your PC’s, Web Meetings with your teams or simply sharing documents with your office.
Making use of tools
If your team is actively working from home, then you should be considering software that makes it easier. Thankfully, there are several tools available that will help your team. One of the most popular is Microsoft Office 365. This unified communication and work tool helps teams manage daily functions on a live platform that is cloud based.
Popular applications such as Microsoft Word, Powerpoint and Excel can be used by several team members simultaneously, while other Office 365 apps such as Teams and Sharepoint make connecting with your group easy and fast.
If you want Microsoft Office 365 installed and setup for your team today, connect with us on 03301185000 or and we will help you get connected in minutes.